PMES Physical Education and Playground Safety Guidelines
Dear Parents/Guardians,
All students and classroom teachers have received instruction regarding playground safety and Physical Education policies at Prospect Mill Elementary. Please review the guidelines with your child.
Physical Education and Playground Policies
*Students must wear
appropriate footwear to participate in Physical Education class and on the Playground during Recess. ATHLETIC SHOES ONLY THAT ARE SECURED TO STUDENT'S FEET BY MEANS OF TIEING OR VELCROING are allowed (No sandals, high heels, boots, Sperry's, slip on shoes, flip-flops or crocs.)
The following jewelry items are not permitted to be worn in physical education classes: earrings, bracelets, rings, and necklaces. Jewelry which needs to be removed for physical education class shall be the responsibility of the student.
Pierced ear studs are permitted to be worn by elementary students only.
Fitness devices which record data regarding activity, may be worn in physical education provided they are safely secured (with a sweatband or similar covering) and do not otherwise present a safety risk to the student or others. It is understood that students will comply with the procedures contained in the Portable Communication Device Policy, Acceptable Use Policy for Students and the procedures stating parent financial responsibility
If there are any restrictions please notify me and I can make any accommodations.
If there is any reason that your child CANNOT participate in Physical Education due to documentation provided, then they will NOT be allowed to participate in any outdoor activities during Free Play.
Students should keep their hands and feet to themselves during recess activities and in the gym.
Follow all safety rules for playground equipment and Physical Education equipment being used.
Students should be respectful of others and take turns.
Thank you for reviewing these rules with your child and Thank you for helping keep are students safe and active.
Mr. Powers & Mr. Horn